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Insurance Blog

Why even the most experienced riders should look at their motorcycle insurance coverage

Why even the most experienced riders should look at their motorcycle insurance coverage

We know bikes. And as a seasoned rider, so do you. You’re no stranger to the open road, the wind in your face, and the sound of your engine as you ride down the highway. Whether you’ve been riding for 10 days, 10 months, or 10 years, it’s important to regularly look at your motorcycle insurance coverage to see what is—and isn’t—included. Even the most...

How To Protect Your Small Business from a Data Breach

How To Protect Your Small Business from a Data Breach

Data breaches are becoming increasingly more common, particularly for small businesses. Cyber attacks are a means for hackers to collect personal information for fraudulent purposes. Small businesses may have budget and staffing limitations that make them more vulnerable to attack. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your company from a data breach. Understand How Data Breaches Occur Data breaches can happen in...

Why You Should Consider Travel Insurance for Your Next Cruise

Why You Should Consider Travel Insurance for Your Next Cruise

With summer coming to an end, you may be planning one last family trip before school starts again. If a cruise is on the horizon, you might want to consider travel insurance. COVID-19 has shown us how important this type of coverage could be, with the number of cancellations that have occurred.  Benefits of Travel Insurance for a Cruise People generally book cruises to relax...

Reduce hearing loss on motorcycle rides

Reduce hearing loss on motorcycle rides

As a safety-conscious motorcycle rider, you work hard to protect yourself against a range of risks each time you ride. But not all threats are as obvious as punctured tires and rain-slicked roads. Hearing damage, for example, is easy to overlook until it’s too late. If hearing loss is low on your hazard awareness radar as a rider, you’re not alone. But there’s no time...

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

How Much Life Insurance Do I Need?

Calculating how much life insurance involves evaluating your financial circumstances, which vary widely from family to family. In essence, you want a policy that will cover income loss due to death, provide your family with the capacity to pay off all bills, and provide your family with the financial support your dependents need. A basic calculation is to purchase a policy that pays out ten...